I have one for sale .
Installed lates v 24 .
Included nec versa note laptop with software( no battery).
Bosch KTS 500 pcmcia card I with connector .
Schematic for cable .
Price only 250 USD +shipping .
Ask details if interesting .
Hi, mazda ids 81 is available on mazda us web site canada not available, for $450.00 for 1 year and need VCM serial number for subscription, i have software in zip but need password for unzip,if someone know how unzip let me know,thanks.
i have a problem after successfull installation of xentry my startkey in star utls wont open it flashes and then goes
and i installed wis standalone but it seems that the data is missing it doesnt show me all the workshop information only simple data
I am trying to read out a EDC16 ECU on my desk with fgtech galletto ( BDM).
My problem is that BDM function doesn't work for me. I would like to ask someone to check my correct wiring, pinout.
Manual is talking about 12 pins, but only 10 pins are available in ribbon cable supplied with the hardware.
A photo attached. Is that OK ?
The catalogue ATRIS of a German warehouse of spare parts c the prices and translation of numbers Stahlgruber - Original and on the contrary. Analogue of program TecDoc. In the catalogue spare parts and accessories of all not original firms of Europe are submitted.
In the program ATRis Stahlgruber the information on spare parts automobile and lorries is submitted. The data on automobile machines, since 60th years, on cargo with 80. Since 2002 the program is executed in environment TCD and with use of data TCD, except for the information on spare parts in the program the information on нормо-hours, refueling capacities, intervals of service, adjusting labels of belts ГРМ and identification tablets is integrated. The given program contains cross-refference and numbers of warehouse STAHLGRUBER, CD, Stahlgruber, in all the rest full analogy TCD is able to be integrated automatically with already established programs WorkShop.
There is a search under original number, under number Stahlgruber, it is possible to look the list of applicability of a detail, to choose the automobile on the engine, to include a filtration on mark or the manufacturer as contains illustrations and photos of many details. The program ATRis Stahlgruber catalogue is delivered on one DVD, can be established in several variants, from minimal up to maximal. The program has no restrictions on an operating time and at present is the best alternative to program TECDOC.
Hi friends
can sombedy help me and turn DPF filter OFF in this file ? The car is passat 2,0 tdi with DSG transmision , from 2008 it is EDC 17 , file read via MPPS
Renault CLIP - the latest diagnostic tool from Renault. It contains all the latest diagnostic technology and information base to address all issues.
Extras. Info: If the primary installation, follow the instructions, which is attached. If you already have an earlier version, it is recommended to uninstall and then follow the installation instructions.
It only works with original CLIP adapter or with a Chinese clone, no adapters and KL KKL is not supported.
Renault has developed a diagnosis system called Valise Clip. Hooked up to the car through OBD2 connector, it runs a complete test automatically, checking a series of parameters and identifying problems that can then be solved.
Program dealer car diagnostics Renault, Dacia, Samsung.
FULL Instructions :
Before installing please do the following steps:
1. Uninstall previous version of Renault CAN-Clip if you have
2. IF your 1st installation: Run Crack.reg
After installation finish & you will reboot, you will get SPX Registration....
To avoid PERMANENTLY this, do the following steps:
1. Alt+Ctrl+Del (Kill process RSRWin.exe)
2. Delete RSRWin.exe (in C:\Windows)
3. Use Regedit (and Delete "ALL" values with name RSRWin)
4. Reboot your machine!!!
5. NO MORE flash for SPX Registration...
Before your 1st Running with the program make those steps:
You NEED to have 1 Renault Car (and ALWAYS Renault clip running-working)
when you have Renault Car!!!
1. Connect your Clip Sonde Can Interface 1st in your Car (OBD Slot)
2. Turn Ignition ON (NOT Engine running)
3. Connect your Clip Sonde Can Interface via USB cable with your computer
4. Start to installing ALL the Drivers (that they will be appearing) and
you can find those in: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers or from this DVD
in the folder "CAN-Clip Drivers".
5. You must INSTALL 4 Drivers (4 TIMES the same thing)
After you finish, you can RUN now finally your CAN-Clip Software.....
I have the Consult III Plus Original DVD and OEM VI-2 interface
but I can't install on other PC ( SPX says it has to be install on Nissan certified CF-19 ) Any help ?
Hello friends,
I have a Peugeot 106 1.4 '99 with ECU IAW 1P.81. The chip with immo TMS28F512A but I have not the clear file without immo. Can anyone help me remove immo?
I'm having some issues that I believe are caused by the BCM. When I enter DAS and go into the BCM section, it notifies me that there is a newer version available. However, if I try to flash, it only complains that it could not connect to server (presumably to download new flash?).
Can this be done offline, and if so, how?
I am about to buy a star c4 clone but am getting confused as there appears to be 3 different versions of the multiplexer ? Can anyone recommend the best one or the best place to order one ?