China VCM's guide |
Posted by: Dansen - 10-24-2012, 03:36 AM - Forum: Ford, Land Rover, Rover, Jeep, Jaguar, Rolls Royce Discussions.
- Replies (165)
Hi guys I've done some small research about China Town VCM's and want to share my findings with you.
This picture is original Main Dealer Rotunda VCM
As you can see all circuits are gold plated and good quality components, metal casing with no production date stickers etc. on it.
These are most popular VCM clones you can get on china market at the moment:
Type A
Top Quality Ford IDS or Super Ford VCM (dual PCB)
This kinds Ford VCM has the same PCB Design with the original,but has Tin/Lead plated printed circuit board and different components(capacitors, some chips).Comes with metal casing with production date stickers.
It is the Top quality clone Ford VCM from http://www.adkautoscan.com
can be used on the original software of Ford VCM Ford IDS (need crack), comes with IDS V75, Jaguar & Land Rover: V128
Suitable for programming on all makes,DPF regeneration/replacement, key coding and relatively safe.Should be no problem with firmware update.
Type B
Good Quality Ford IDS (dual PCB)
The PCB of this kind Ford VCM is little different design with the original.Tin/Lead plated printed circuit board,metal casing, production date stickers.
Can support Jaguar & Land Rover, and can also be used on the original software of Ford IDS (need crack) comes with V75-78, Jaguar & Land Rover: V128
Suitable for programming on all makes, DPF regeneration/replacement, key coding and relatively safe.
Type C
Medium Quality FLY version with red relays (dual PCB)
The PCB of this kind Ford VCM is different with the original.Can't be used with the original software of Ford VCM.Metal or plastic casing with production date stickers.
Works only with modified FLY soft and FLY crack(_VCM.bfc 617KB for Ford IDS and MAZDA, _VCM.bfc 1907KB for JLR ).Comes with software version: IDS V80 ,JLR V130,MAZDA V79 but most likely they are modified old versions (V75,V128???) not confirmed yet 
Comes with FLY Swich as well so all makes can be installed on same system, not recommended for Ford and Mazda(system conflicts).
Ford IDS, Mazda
Not suitable for module programming (can corrupt/lock PCM,TCM), may work with other modules but you using it on your own risk should work with DPF,key coding,injector coding.They have a habit of re-flashing PCM when you choose Self Test option.
Need more info about programming and coding possibility???
Type C
Low quality copy with SONY chip inside (dual PCB)
PCB different than original Rotunda VCM.Comes with V75, V128 original Ford VCM soft (need crack). Metal casing with prod. date stickers.
Not suitable for module programming,not safe in use, not recommended!!!
Dual red PCB,Single red PCB's, Single green PCB's etc. just forget about and stay away from that scrap!!!
And one more thing, USB<->VCM connection cable must have small "Real" chip inside for ethernet connection.
Ps. If you find this thread usefull please press
button to motivate me even more
Delphi Direct Evolution 2009.4 problem |
Posted by: m-power - 10-24-2012, 02:57 AM - Forum: Automotive Software.
- Replies (4)
I choose standard Installation and everything went OK,. I replaced .exe file (crack )in folder where program is installed, and when I start program, I get window where write Connection to a local database(.mdf file), and when I choose .mdf file that is instaled on my HDD, I'm geeting a error window, that when reading database has provoked an error?
Does anyone know where the problem is? Is it problem in crack?
By the way, when installation goes it ask to install Microsoft 2005 MySQL server express edition, of coures I accepted this, and everything goes ok, but at the end of installation MySQL it gives mi some window with a lot of text and brings me a only one option at the bootom of window, to press OK button, and when I close this window, installation of delphi goes ok till the end.
Flash CD 6.0 or more fiat examiner smart |
Posted by: Karizmo - 10-23-2012, 06:13 PM - Forum: Software Requests.
- Replies (4)
I nead Flash CD more than 6.0 for fiat examiner smart.
If somebody will need i have
Examiner W98 E 2.2 and 2.3 recovery cd
Examiner Flesh REL 4.70, 4.90, 5.60
Examiner REL 5.5, 6.4, 6.6, 7.00, 7.40, 7.70, 8.00, 8.20
Philips Code |
Posted by: transit - 10-23-2012, 12:49 AM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes.
- Replies (6)
I wonder is someone could help me please, I could do with the code for a Philips radio please.
22DC 349/60B
Serial no is:RG349FT1041795
Thanks in advance.
Advice for tool for mileage correction? |
Posted by: grga - 10-23-2012, 12:03 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO.
- Replies (10)
Hi, can you give me advice, i want to buy tool for mileage correction, and usualy i do with vw,audi,skoda and sometimes Peugeot,car made 2000-2005..
I was looking for VAG k+can but i am not sure..
Can I do this with galletto 1260?
Please help
best regards
No option to save changes at SDNC |
Posted by: DBmhh - 10-22-2012, 11:15 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions.
- Replies (7)
Friends, anyone able to explain why I lost the option to save changes at SDNC menus on one 09/2012 setup.
The attached figure is from my virtual machine that I don't use for real but I use it for reference. The "OK" button is working in this virtual machine, it also works on one real setup but on another one the ON-button is greyed out on all tabs.
I already tried to reinstall SDNC on that computer but it made no difference.
Autocom change serial and Hardware key |
Posted by: smilecars - 10-22-2012, 06:46 PM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions.
- Replies (16)
Hello to all friends, I have a "AUTOCOM", version 2011.3, with this data:
product id: a-710-479
Hardware key: MNZTTOOCNHVE
serial number: 30250
I am successful, for activation by a friend, software 2012/2, but he can only activate with this data:
Product id: a-710-479
Serial: 100251
Hardware key: EYGRNVNMRBAO
I can not use my "AUTOCOM", why should I change the serial, and hardware key.
How do I change these in my AUTOCOM?
Thanks in advance friends