Hello. I have dead ecu in my car. I bought used ecu and also original file from internet. Can you virginize this file? Is it possible to take immo off without emulator? Thanks in advance.
Hello everyone, I'm coming to you because I read a Dodge Ram 3.6 309 Gpec2a ECU and I would like to know if the file is 100% original. Thanks to those who can help me.
P208B04 The output for the AdBlue® delivery pump has a malfunction. There is an internal fault.
Changed delivery pump, done delivery pump learned values reset using Xentry and still getting this fault code.
With both delivery pumps getting this fault code and delivery pump stops working. After erasing fault codes I can do delivery pump test and most of the time it fails, pressure starting to build up then after 2 seconds getting error and pump stops working. Then deleting fault code, trying to do test again and some times it fails straight away , sometimes it works . For example sometimes I can do pump test 5 times or even more in a row and all the time all good, pressure building up as it should be no fault code. But after 10 minutes or etc again same fault code.
Even tried to replace AdBlue control unit that is behind rear SAM module. Still getting same error.
Hello, does anyone have and can share the ori file?
Can anyone explain how the duration selection works and which code block in the driver’s wish is used with a warm engine.
Hi, I have problem with 2012 evoque,
Power tailgate is opening but won’t close, there are no errors in whole car I tried adaptation form sdd, and it goes well until point when tailgate should close itself, I get only “general error” message,
Any ideas what should I check ? Can someone tell me which sensors can stop tailgate from closing ?
Hi, need help to repair the pcb on automatic gear lever for Mercedes W639. It does not recognize gears on display and sometimes stay blocked. Errors: P240C, P1856 and P2261. Thanks.
Does anyone have General Motors epc for searching Opel/vauxhall parts doesn’t have to be a new version as I’m looking for 90s parts number. Thanks
I have a ford ranger 3.2 ecu sid 209, I washed the dpf, reset values and differential pressure sensor. the machine remains limited and gives the following fault codes P2463, P246C which I cannot delete. I mention that the car has SCR off. please help (a suggestion or advice) Thank you!
I need a full backup-file for bdm (ktag).
I cant write seperate flash file via bdm (Operation not allowed error). Bench and OBD Connection not possible.
Im having trouble with the chinese op-com clone, its giving me ”interface communication error or interface not powered from car”
The interface has worked before but windows somehow deleted opcom folder.
I have tried different software versions with different drivers but no luck, even tried flashing the interface per one instruction.(successful flash) but no luck still.
Interface test is succesfull and recognizes the firmware correctly
Hi I have a 906 sprinter dash not showing mileage after replacing the EIS the mileage is correct in both the EIS and dash can anyone virginise the dash eeprom file for me so I can program it with xentry thanks
'm looking for 3C - Side Assist control module 2Q0907686B dataset (parametrisation file) for VW JETTA 7(MY 2019), work in progress for this retrofit, I need this file to load correct dataset at then end of the installation.