Origional cluster
The cluster vag number is 8P0920983B the cluster has a 2012 date
Micornas CDC3217G and 24C32 eeprom.
I got an exact replacement .
I need advice at to what tools I need to get the job done .
I ordered Xprog 5.55
I have access to digiprog3
I am trying to get my hands on fvdi2014
And I am considering getting a carprog 13.77
I have upa-usb
My first step is to reade the eeprom and micro with Xprog and upa .
I saw that carprog and fvdi can retrieve immo data from the cluster ..
found this procedure
1. Read Micronas Flash and 24C32
2. load It to Arbiters(FVDI) and decode(it will work for this)
U will get full immo data
3. U can try to repair flash - forum got procedure - need to fill FF some addresses but as U got new same cluster - read it too(if U got no key for spare cluster - if Got it u can do it by obd)
4. change of immo data in spare cluster(export config data and write by xprog) - even key will work.
Please advise if those tools are enough .from my understanding if I have keys I do not need to do step 3 .
Procedure 2 :
Very easy.
1: Put spare cluster to car and ignition on, make virgin, turn off ignition.
2: Put back original cluster to car and ignition on, read Immo Data, eeprom and read mileage. Don't turn off ignition.
3: Let ignition stays on and take out original cluster and put spare cluster to car, write immo data, eeprom and recalibrate mileage.
4: Now you can reset cluster and the magic have happend.
5: Turn off ignition and wait 30secound, now you can fire up car.
Can carprog do this cluster over obd port ? Or even if I load a modded eeprom file to put cluster in service mode.
There is no comms to the cluster so i am not sure these procedures will work
Maybe this time someone will be able to advise me. I’m doing conversion of Cayenne S 2019 from US to EU. BCM2 is based on MLBEvo (9Y0907064DK). There were installed EU tail lights. I inserted ZDC for EU tail lights, coded SBBR to ROW, but when doing automatic coding the ECU is throwing incorrect coding error. How to manually change the tail lights to separate brake and turn light?
boitier module confort changer car, il avais pris l'eau. Après l'avoir changer par un occasion, la centralisation ne fonctionne plus et j'ai un voyant airbag qui s'allume.
Je tiens a préciser que la clé est celle d'origine qu'il y a juste le boitier qui a étais changer.
Where can I find the PTCU module in MB W177? I don't have communication with it. If someone has a power supply and CAN/Flex network diagram for the PTCU module, that would be nice too.
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I can pay for it but need a tested solution because the car is far away from me.
I am looking for the sat nav DVD for a 2011 Mercedes CLS (C218). It has the COMMAND system with the screen at the top of the dash board.
Any help would be greatly apricated!!
I'm very confused with all the NGT numbers, my vin number is WDD2183232A021848.
Thank you
Can anyone assist with Virgin Dump for 95160 Chip. ECU damaged.
Thanks guys
(03-12-2025, 12:48 AM)tazedd Wrote: Hi Guys
Can anyone assist with Virgin Dump for 95160 Chip. ECU damaged.
Thanks guys
Or of someone assist to change the vin. I tried but its not working. Tried to swop around the characters in reverse not not working. Cant see Vin with Clip diagnostic tool. VIN VF1BR1Y0A38757258.
hello I have old bosh ecu msa15 0 281 001 366/367 audi number 028906021F....I fund out that this ecu have 2 epproms b58196 (93c46) and I dont now the chip who contain immo data that I try read dump..I post picture board with marks...Are posiblle on this ecu immo off and whath program can decodeit or someone can doit..
I have a 2016 DSG 4WD Tiguan with VIN WVGZZZ5NZGW508635. I had the mechatronic unit replaced, but now get the fault code U0101. I am guessing it needs programming to the VIN. Could someone please give me the general steps on how to fix it? Like: How do I find which mechatronic unit it is? What software and hardware do I need for flashing? How do I find the right flash file? Or is this not at all how it should be done?
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